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Commercial Dumpster services

Use us to avoid 3 liabilities


Parasite Infestation

Dumpsters leak and the fluids from rotting food collect, pool and settle into your dumpster pad concrete, creating a ripe breeding ground for fly larvae, maggots, fruit flies, bacteria and parasitic activity of all kinds and sorts.

slip & Fall

Dumpster pads are wet, slimy, grimy and slippery -even on a dry summer day. Each time an employee makes a trash run, you are liable for their safety.  Employees who slip and fall while carrying heavy, cumbersome, bags, boxes and trash containers are likely to end up with nasty work-related injuries.

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Offensive Odors and Unsightliness

Your customers begin forming opinions about your business well before they ever step inside your doors. An unsightly dumpster pad area gives your customers a negative impression of your sanitation practices. And offensive odors wafting across your parking lot may even dissuade people from even coming inside.

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